
Letting Go Prayer for Mamas with College-Aged Children

Father, I thank you for the gift of mothering this child. I believe you love him/her more than I do. As this child leaves my home to go to college our relationship will change. I worry I didn’t do enough to prepare us for all we will encounter. 

You know there are many things I need to let go of in order to hold on to what matters. Help me to be alert and available in my conversations with my child so that I pay attention to what You want me to see and hear. Distract me from my worries about grades, popularity, and future employment. 

Release me from my fear of not being liked by my child. Give me wisdom to counsel this child when they ask for my help, strength to hold my tongue when my advice is not needed, and the courage to intervene if his/her safety is at stake. 

Adjust my heart so that I see my child as the young adult he/she is growing into. I know that the good memories of their childhood will remain and I trust that we will continue to make new ones in the future. 

Jesus, give me a heart like yours to love my child. There will be times when I do not approve of their decisions, opinions, or choices. Despite this, I want to remain in relationship with them. Holy Spirit, be the point of connection between us. Let my child know how deeply and fiercely I love them. Strengthen the bonds of our family and inspire us with new ways to remain connected. 

So much of my life has been dedicated to raising this child. As I adjust to life in this stage of my journey, help me find purpose outside of parenting so that others may benefit from the lessons I have learned. I look forward with hope to what is to come. 


Katie Kibbe

Road Map For an Empty Nest

Easing into June after a month filled with activities and celebrations can leave you feeling like a balloon after all of the hot air has escaped. Deflated. While you welcome the rest and the quiet, you may be a bit at loose ends when it comes to wrapping your brain around what just happened. 

You may even be a smidge apprehensive about what to expect in the coming months if you are facing change. Especially if the change is not one that you orchestrated or invited. 

Stalled. Unable to Soar.

Many of us are in a period of transition, that in between stage which feels like a waste of time. We are unable to move. Unable to soar in the direction our soul is longing to lead us. There is a tension we are not quite able to name.

Some are stalled out after an unexpected diagnosis, so much time spent waiting for more information or attending appointments to get going on a cure that may or may not ever arrive. 

Others of us are stationary, unable to face the unlimited number of decisions about what to keep and what to give away in an effort to downsize, relocate, or finally just get organized.