An Invitation to Rest in the Unfailing Love of God.

Spend time with women in Scripture and learn how to ABIDE in the midst of your are right now life.

An intimate relationship with Jesus is not reserved for the spiritual elite, someone with a certain theological pedigree, or a lot of time on her hands. You already have what you need, right now, to experience the fullness of God’s love, joy, and peace. Unfortunately, distractions abound, so you might be missing out on all God has in mind for you.

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You were created to be a vessel of His love, a conduit of His mercy, and a light for the world.

Abide is a 10 week guidebook encouraging you to encounter Christ from a place of rest rather than spiritual striving. Each week you will explore wisdom from Scripture, respond to thought provoking questions, be inspired by female saints, and find practical ideas that allow you to incorporate your faith into your every day life. Written in an easy to read style, Abide invites you to rest in the unfailing love of God. 

Abide is available for purchase in Paperback or Kindle from Amazon.

If you are looking for a practical way to “walk with Jesus;” getting to know Him in the “here and now,” this is the Bible Study for you. The author has the gift of sharing her own insights and testimony in a down to earth, practical way that is easy to relate to. You are challenged to dig deeper in order to gain insights into your personal relationship and understanding of Our Lord through empathically walking with the apostles and woman that shared Jesus’ journey when He walked on earth. Insights can be gathered into how He is still with us today, supporting us as we continue our own journey of carrying out His commission to “Love One Another!” Judy
Brings women in the Bible to life with insightful examples of their encounters with Jesus. Lovingly written with lots of practical and encouraging tips for us women to deepen our relationships with Christ. Patsy
When I read the pages of Abide, I feel as if the author has written the words to me personally. I can relate to her shared experiences and am inspired to deepen my relationship with Jesus. I love that each chapter is broken into sections of personal experiences, scripture, gratitude and putting it into practice. The material is concise and practical for any Christian woman who, regardless of where she is in her faith journey, wishes to deepen her relationship with God. Renee