A Blessing for Anyone in a Liminal Season (aka Uncertainty)

When the storms of life tear your boat from its moorings, may you find peace on the journey you did not elect to take.

May you find hope in the truth that your new harbor will be better than the last.

On the days when the scenery remains the same and you’re tempted to paddle back to safety, look instead to the small moments of joy.

May you sit shoulder to shoulder with your friend Jesus, putting your net into the deep, talking with Him about all you discover along the way.

May you know the companionship of others who have left the land of certainty in search of harbors of wholeness

May you be carried on currents of prayer by those who love you (because you are deeply loved). And in the cool dark of the night, may you rest under a blanket of pinpricks of light sent from heaven.

As the sun paints the sky cotton candy colors and you arrive home to yourself may you say, “it was worth the trip.”