4 questions to ask before taking your writing from hobby to side hustle.

Are you tired of giving away everything you write?

Ask yourself these four questions before you dive headfirst into charging for your big ideas. There is nothing worse than spending hours upon hours on a project only to have no one read what you wrote, let alone show interest in purchasing it.

Writing does not have to be a discouraging practice if you follow the right path. So, before you put your first long-form written project up for sale, ask yourself these four questions.

How much engagement am I getting from the ideas I’m Already sharing?

Pay attention to which posts are generating several comments and starting conversations. Keep a running log of ideas/topics that gain traction. These are a good starting point for a longer-form project. Remember, you are writing to serve your reader, not your ego.

Depending upon where you are already writing, you may or may not be getting the engagement you are hoping for.

If your social media posts are not generating comments and conversations yet, here are two things you can do immediately. Switch platforms hoping your ideal reader is congregating somewhere else. Simplify your posts and hone your call-to-action sentences at the end of each post.

Is anyone asking me to write longer-form content?

Well-meaning experts have told us we need to have a high number of followers before we can publish content longer than a blog post. This is not the truth. You can get paid for your writing with a small, but engaged audience.

Sometimes, we don’t recognize our ideal reader because we’re chasing the reader just over the horizon. Other times, we’re asked to write content that does not seem to align with "our” vision of who we are as a “writer”. Let go of what being a writer or author is supposed to look like.

Instead, look at who is right in front of you that you can serve right now.

Make a list of everyone who has asked you to write anything. This could be anything from emails, articles, blog posts, or podcast scripts, to thank you letters.

From now on pay attention when anyone asks you to write anything and don’t feel ashamed to put a price tag on your time, expertise, and effort.

Do I see a gap in the content that’s already being created for my ideal reader?

The writing battle is one-third knowing what to write, one-third writing it in the right form, and one-third connecting it to the right reader.

We assume that the ideal format to deliver words is a traditionally published book. This is not the case for most ideas or writers. In fact, it may not be the format your ideal reader wants.

Remember, you have a life-changing message for your reader and your job is to deliver the message. The vehicle of delivery does not validate or elevate your message.

Does it feel like a waste to spend one-third of your time identifying the gap in the market for your ideas? This might be the best use of your time to protect yourself against future doubt and discouragement.

Find out where your ideal reader is spending her time gathering insight, inspiration, entertainment, or information. Most of our ideal readers are ourselves five years ago. Make a list of all the places you used to spend your time before your big idea changed your life.

What is available for her, right now, related to your message and the big idea you want to share?

What is different about what’s available and what you can create? If you can’t think of how it’s different, start reading/listening/ consuming content with a critical eye to find out where you do not agree with the “experts”.

Am I ready to ask for/pay for help?

There is no shorter route to burn out than to try to do everything by yourself. I learn more and make more progress in my writing life when I’m actively engaged with a coach and other writers.

Who are you learning from? Are you in a community where you can ask questions from someone just a little bit ahead in the writing journey? If not, email me and I can tell you about the benefits of my coaching group, The Write Connections.