Click here to download your own 40 Positive Words to Get Journaling in the Right Direction


I’m Katie Kibbe and I’m so glad you’re here. Click on any of the pictures or the green button to download your journaling resource.

Check out my latest creation:

Pondering: A Guided Journal

Because sometimes we need help Pausing, Gaining Perspective, and Thinking Deeply with God.


writing for Peace of Mind

For way too long, I avoided writing anything other than a To-Do List.

I was afraid of what I would discover if I put pen to paper. To be honest, I was also worried someone else would find their way inside the pages of the notebook and my heart.

When I finally broke out my favorite pen to write in that precious first notebook, I struggled.

Not only did I not know where to start, but I also didn’t know what words to use other than the negative ones circling around my brain.

I was ready to leave my roundabout of negative thinking. but lacked clarity about which exit to take. Over time, I discovered a way to enter the journaling process with self-compassion.

On that first day, there is one thing I wish I had: A Word Bank of Positive Words. This list is one tool I wish I had tucked into the back of my notebook to pull out when my mind was blank. It would have saved me a lot of time, handwringing, and angst.

So, I offer this list to you. Download it, print it, and tuck it away for tomorrow. Pull a few words out and sprinkle them amongst some of your other favorites. Over time, may they help you gather your scattered thoughts and regain peace of mind.


This download was designed for you if:

  • You’ve run too long on negative words to formulate your inner narrative

  • You sit down to journal and your mind focuses on the mundane rather than the magnificent

  • Your prayers feel like a laundry list of what is wrong with the world

  • You are ready to lift your mood and expand the joy capacity of your soul

  • You’ve been afraid to journal because you think you have nothing to say

  • You’ve been away from your journal practice and are ready to approach it with fresh eyes